DINZ (Deer Industry New Zealand, 뉴질랜드 사슴 협회)의 전신인 GIB (Game Industry Board)는 1975년 뉴질랜드 정부가 발표한 “주요 상품 마케팅을 위한 법률 (Primary Products Marketing Act 1953)”에 따라 설립되었습니다. 이후 2004년에 자체 법률 (Deer Industry New Zealand Regulations 2004) 근거를 갖춰 DINZ로 조직 변경되었습니다.

DINZ의 역할은 뉴질랜드의 모든 사슴농장과 가공, 수출업체를 위하여 업계 전반에 도움이 될 수 있는 여러가지 활동을 하는 것입니다. 단, 직접적인 상거래 활동은 하지 않기에 수입 문의 사항의 경우, 뉴질랜드 현지 수출업체 명단을 안내해 드리고 있습니다.

Trademark Number (특허청 상표 등록)

VelTrak : 40-2021-0124039

DINZ logo : 45-2013-2984

COO mark : 45-2013-2983

New Zealand Deer Velvet,
Naturally the best choice

Untouched Nature
New Zealand is an isolated country, with a small population, resulting is a relatively pristine environment.
Our deer roam across an extensive farmland that closely matches that of their ancestors. Their diet consists of naturally grown herbs and grasses.

Advanced Farming
New Zealand remains the world’s largest and most advanced deer farming industry.
Although New Zealand deer are farmed in a free-range environment, all are individually tagged and monitored with sophisticated electronic identification.

Our farmers are highly skilled professionals who strive to improve the quality of their products.
The NZ Ministry for Primary Industries has oversight of the entire velvet supply chain with its Regulatory Control Scheme for Velvet Harvest.

Controlled Safety
The New Zealand Government has robust systems protecting and managing our borders to ensure our high health status is maintained.
Because of strict government controls and geographic isolation, our deer are free from many diseases that affect more intensive farming countries.

Deer Industry New Zealand
deernz.org | velvet.nz | deernz.co.kr